July 16, 2010

The Dream: Welcome to These Walls!

So, this morning, I awoke recalling an AWESOME dream. I'd gotten trashed or merely fell asleep after a loooong drive to Albany, only to awake in a sprawling house of trashed, multiculti, young people. It was very "Hair." Seems I'd done my normal, old-lady staid stuff -- visited Missy and Rox sans Missy with Jackie sans Lourdes and new baby -- and watched them drive away as I got in my car to leave. I got lost (good ol' non-sense of direction; it follows me in my dreams!) and ended up in a urban maze of outdoor college-aged party night life. I tried to avoid it; I ended up pretending as if I was comfortable and tried to purchase some things I needed, what with the CVS-like store being open and all. Midst one purchase (for a cellphone headset), the guy went away and never came back. Never, because I found myself awaking and everything was dark and no on was around. I was shocked that I had fallen asleep in a strange place! Dawn broke; it became clear that I was/ended up in an utterly trashed home that -- luckily -- was a MESS, but still managed not to be gross or disgusting or nasty. I was horrified and gratified that I'd fallen so completely asleep in a strange place; I begain to pick my way through the mess to find my items, change my clothes, and prep to leave. As I wandered to find things, I saw various and sundry young people asleep with each other; I also heard different types of music (rock) playing from different sources all 'round. After getting alla my ish together, I ran into folks who'd just awaken and who were surprised I'd gotten up so early. We kinda verbally and facially high-fived each other for such a wretched night that, nevertheless, landed us in this sprawling estate of a home that was very SoCal in airiness and sprawl (it practically had a grotto). As I left, I encountered the black-haired Kardashian-like mother who seemed a bit disappointed that I was leaving so early, as she was just preparing to put on a marvelous spread with Kona coffee. I wanted to linger just a little longer; somehow (the night before?), I KNEW it was going to be good and it appealed. Nevertheless, I made my way up the airy stairs to leave, smiling and expressing joy at the Asian woman (Cynthia Lee-like) who was making her way down the stairwell and who, undoubtedly, was going to stay, which was pretty clear from her happy, smiling face. It was so NOT like me; it was so DIFFERENT than and from me. And I was HAPPY.

I don't know what this dream means yet. I don't have the luxury to dwell here and think about it, though. This morning, I've gotta get going to meet Andre for a bus to NYC for a day of hot-assed walking and shopping. I LOVE NYC.

But, I will say this: yesterday, I worked out, drank a flute of wine, ate enough good food, watched "Away We Go," read Geneen Roth, chatted with Ann, ignored Gina's calls, and wished I weren't so tired because I WANTED to answer Judy's. But, I know that I spoke of shedding the old and trying to slowly step into the new, which I made progress toward, with my visiting with Burlette this week and offering my scholarly expertise to this new NOLA class action lawsuit. AND I woke up on the other side of the bed. HAPPY.

May the differences of the dream and this summer and this week stay.

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